WlugMember plugin ldap error: missing php ldap?

Craig Box

IMG_0380.thumb.jpg DSCN7280.thumb.jpg

Also known as Plug.

I've left the country looking for fame and fortune (or at least gainful employment). I'm sure I'll miss L&P if I stop to think about it.

Things I've done:

I'm also involved with some packaging efforts and wrote some software for Windows sysadmins.

Ex-SysOp of Toontown BBS, many many years ago. (I may have been known as "CRiGGiE" then.)

Craig is a master at pointing out people which violate InternationalDrinkingRules. Safety first and everything in moderation - AlwaysMixYourOwnDrinks. Half of the world-famous-in-New-Zealand dubculture, famous for a series of very successful after-ball and end-of-year parties. Does not drink beer.

If at home, always keen for a game of squash or a spot of backyard cricket!

Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike LicenseCraigBox has agreed to the terms of the WlugWikiLicense.


lib/main.php:944: Notice: PageInfo: Cannot find action page

lib/main.php:839: Notice: PageInfo: Unknown action