Waikato Linux Users' Group Incorporated
Annual General Meeting Minutes
22 September 2003
Held at Open2View, 2 Grey St, Hamilton
Meeting opened at 7:45
1. Membership signup/collection of subscriptions
25 members signed up, and subscriptions were collected from 20 members.
2. Chairpersons Report
Daniel presented a report on the events of the last year of the LUG, and offering some insight into what the LUG would like to achieve in the next year. He offered thanks to the people that had presented meetings, offered services and donated hardware for the WlugServer.
3. Changes to Charter
- Rule 2a be renamed Rule 2b, and all references to Rule 2a be updated to refer to Rule 2b
PASSED %%%%%%
- Rule 2 be renamed Rule 2a, and all references to Rule 2 be updated to refer to Rule 2a.
PASSED %%%%%%
- Edit to Rule 3: Membership of the LUG is formalised by completing a membership form. Payment of the yearly fees must be received within 90 days of this, or the membership is deemed void.
PASSED %%%%%%
- Edit to Rule 3: Membership is for the current financial year. The financial year begins on the 1st of September and ends on the 31st of August the following year.
PASSED %%%%%%
- Edit to Rule 7: The size of the committee be amended so that there are the 4 executive members (President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and 5 (five) others.
PASSED %%%%%%
- Edit to Rule 7: The electronic mailing list is the primary means of communication and activity within the society. As the mailing list requires some administration, an ex-officio position of 'list administrator' will be appointed by the committee.
PASSED %%%%%%
- Edit to Rule 6 (the last line of the Regular Meetings clause), adding a Committee Meetings clause, containing: %%%%%%Committee Meetings%%%%%%The WLUG Committee shall meet once per month, either at the Regular Meeting for the month, or a separate date, time and location, at the discretion of the committee. Committee meeting details and a tentative agenda will be published to the society mailing list seven days prior to a committee meeting.%%%%%%The purpose of the Committee Meeting is to discuss matters pertaining to the ongoing running of the society. If a society member wishes to raise an issue at a committee meeting, they can give at least two day's notice to the Secretary, who will then put the item on the agenda and invite the member to the meeting if appropriate. Otherwise, committee meeting attendance is restricted to committee members.%%%%%%Only Committee members are allowed to vote at a Committee Meeting. The quorum will be five members of the committee.%%%%%%Minutes of committee meetings shall be made available via the society's electronic mailing list as soon as practical after the committee meeting.
PASSED %%%%%%
- Point 8 was removed due to it being addressed in previous discussion. %%%%%%
- Edit to Rule 6: The committee can call a special general meeting by a pass vote at a committee meeting. A member may call a SGM if backed by a majority of the society's membership. At a SGM, a quorum shall be 50% of the society membership, or 15 people, whichever is smaller.
PASSED %%%%%%
- Edit to Rule 6: At an AGM, a quorum shall be 50% of the society membership, or 15 people (whichever is smaller), who were paid members in the previous financial year and who have signed a membership form for the next financial year. Only people who meet these criteria will be eligible to vote.
PASSED %%%%%%
- Edit to Rule 3: Membership is encouraged but not required: regular meetings are open to all and casual requests for assistance or information are allowed. Only members will have access to the areas outlined in Rule 2b above. Membership of the WLUG mailing list and membership of the Waikato Linux Users Group Incorporated are independent.
PASSED %%%%%%
- Edit to the first line of the rules: changed to read: "The following are the rules of the Waikato Linux Users Group Incorporated ("WLUG")
PASSED %%%%%%
- The changes to the charter as outlined above will be made by the President, and also any grammatical or typographical errors, providing the intent of the charter is preserved, are permitted to be corrected.
Moved: Matt Brown
Seconded: James Spooner
4. General Business
Motion: that it be recorded that the committee for the financial year ending 31 Aug 2003 consisted of
| President |
| Vice President | JamieCurtis
| Secretary |
| Treasurer | CraigMckenna
|vvvv General Committee Members: |
| GavinDenby
| GreigMcGill
| PhilMurray
Moved: Daniel
Seconded: Bruce
A vote of thanks was passed for Daniel for the time and effort he has put into establishing WLUG as an incorporated society.
5. Committee Elections
Elected unanimously and unopposed
Vice President
Elected unanimously and unopposed
Elected unanimously and unopposed
Elected unanimously and unopposed
Nominations for committee members
Meeting closed at 9:52pm.
See also: OldMeetingTopics