
WLUG Executive Committee Meeting

21 August 2003

Meeting Minutes

Present: Daniel, Craig B, Jamie, Phil, Perry, Greig, Bruce
Apologies: Craig M
Absent: Kim, Gavin

Meeting opened at 7:34pm

1. Minutes from previous meeting

Motion: that the minutes are a true and accurate record of the previous meeting

Moved Craig
Seconded Jamie

Motion passed

2. Reports from previous meeting

See item 8

3. Perception of the LUG

The committee discussed the perception of the LUG as 'elitist', and the want to remain commended as an 'advanced' LUG without losing either beginner or advanced member interest.

Discussion with regard to supporting users on differing distributions lead to the comment that WLUG recommend new users run RedHatLinux as we feel we are best equipped to support it. We also advocate new users experimenting with KnoppixLinux.

With regard to two streams of topics, it has been suggested that the structure of meetings remain as they are, and beginner meetings, being announced at least a month in advance and heavily advertised outside of the LUG, be presented as they are offered by members.

A WLUG Knoppix CD would be an excellent idea, and Daniel has posted Knoppix customization links to the Wiki. Someone may wish to look at it as a project when they have time but it will not be pursued further as a "WLUG project" at this point.

4. Finance

Petty cash was not discussed as the Treasurer was absent.

Motion: that the LUG donate $100 to the HamiltonAmateurRadioClub as a thank you for the use of their rooms

Moved Greig
Seconded Jamie

Motion carried

5. Charter

The AGM will occur on MeetingTopics.2003-09-22, and be publically announced in accordance with the WlugIncorporated Charter as a Special Meeting for the changing of the charter.

Several typographical errors in the charter exist and will be addressed (See WlugCharterDiscussion). A clause also has to be added to say that only paid members of the society are entitled to vote at an AGM.

A vote will be proposed at the AGM to finalise that subscriptions are from AGM to AGM and that the voting is performed by the previous years' membership. (Voting cards will be issued to paid members to ensure that only the votes of paid members are counted.)

The proposed structure of the AGM is:

  • Chairpersons Report
  • Changes to Charter
  • General Business
  • Committee Elections

6. Meetings

In order that we can best aid people solve problems, all future WLUG venues should provide Internet access.

New venues on offer include

  • Open2View's office on Grey St
  • Computer Upgrades 2000 on Pukete Rd
  • The Performing Arts Centre at WaikatoUniversity

WSU affiliation is not worth pursueing.

7. WLUG Library

Koha software is installed on Hoiho and will need to be customized to suit the needs of the LUG.

A secure and suitable accessible location for the library needs to be found; best suggestions include Open2View and the Computer Science department at University.

Daniel has enquired about a digital only LinuxJournal membership, which would be accesed through a proxy service on the WlugServer.

Sky Riverside Community Trust are currently offering community group funding. Craig is going to investigate applying for funding for purchase of a library, and contact Drew Whittle from DunLUG regarding their library.

8. The Wiki

Discussion regarding upstream changes to the HOWTOs on the Wiki resulted in the suggestion that all unedited HOWTOS should be replaced by a link to the most current document, and all modifications should be saved for potential upstream submission or placement on another Wiki page.

Further discussion needs to take place regarding Wiki disclaimers and legal issues; however a separate notice on viewing pages (to point out that this page is publically editable and not necessarily the official opinion of the WLUG) and on the sign in page (to point out that submitters are expected to post responsibly) were deemed necessary.

Craig intends to refactor the home page and provide a linear 'Wiki tutorial' set of pages to offer new users.

Greig is yet to investigate pages regarding the LinuxServer.

9. Committee Meetings

Concern has been raised regarding the policy of committee only attendance at meetings. Because the meetings are being held at a private residence and often wander, it is the feeling of the committee that the status quo is the best.

Motion: That if a society member wishes to raise an issue at a committee meeting, they give suitable notice to the Secretary, who will they put the item on the agenda and invite the member to the meeting (if appropriate). And that otherwise committee meeting attendance is restricted to committee members.

Moved Craig
Seconded Phil

Motion carried

Next meeting: Jamie & Perry's, tentatively Wed prior to AGM.

Meeting closed at 22.12.
