
Current proposals

Technical Coordinator/Librarian Proposal

At the 2010 AGM, assuming the group continues as an IncorporatedSociety, a bylaw change is proposed. This change was first proposed last year, but was not decided at the 2009 AGM.

"Since the WlugCharter was written before the WlugServer was installed, (Nov. 2005) it needs to be ratified to reflect the responsibility of maintaining this significant club resource." - JohnBillings

The current Section 7:

The officers of the society shall consist of a president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. The committee of the society shall include the above named officers, as well as 3 (three) extra members. The electronic mailing list is the primary means of communication and activity within the society. As the mailing list requires some administration, an ex-officio position of 'list administrator' will be appointed by the committee.

The officers and committee members shall be elected at an AGM or at a special meeting called for this purpose.

Temporary replacements can be appointed at the discretion of the committee.

The standard term of appointment is one year, or until the next AGM, whichever is shorter. If a temporary position is appointed it will arise for reappointment with the other positions at the next AGM.

Proposed changes:

The officers of the society shall consist of a president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. The committee of the society shall include the above named officers, as well as 3 (three) extra members.

The officers and committee members shall be elected at an AGM or at a special meeting called for this purpose. Temporary replacements may be appointed at the discretion of the committee.

Two ex-officio positions may be appointed by, and at the discretion of, the committee:

  • Technical Coordinator; appointed to manage services such as the electronic mailing list, web site and other IT services, and report to the committe
  • Librarian; appointed to store and care for the society's technical library, and making it available to members at meetings

The standard term of appointment is one year, or until the next AGM, whichever is shorter. If a temporary position is appointed it will arise for reappointment with the other positions at the next AGM.

(See page history for other proposed drafts)

WLUG honorary life membership proposal

"Since WLUG has existed for about ten years (a fairly long time in the FOSS world) it is proposed that we consider recognising members who've contributed significantly to WLUG throughout the last ten years with an honorary life membership." - BruceKingsbury

This would require a change to Rule 3, adding a clause such as:

Proposed changes:

The society recognises a number of "life members" for their outstanding contribution to the society. Life membership is an honorary position, and holders are granted the rights of regular membership, but are not required to pay yearly fees. Any member who has served at least three terms on the committee may nominate a person to the position of life member, in writing, detailing the services to the society performed by the nominee. No more than two new life members may be proposed per calendar year. Election to the position of life member is by majority vote at an annual general meeting.

The exact mechanics of such a system should be discussed at a committee meeting before the AGM; a window which you may have just missed.

Previous Proposals

Check the charter history, and minutes of past AGMs, if you want to see what changes have been made in the past.