ANNOUNCEMENT: Annual General Meeting, 22nd November
In accordance with Rule 6 of the charter, I would like to announce to all
members that the Waikato Linux Users Group (Incorporated) will be holding
its Annual General Meeting on Monday, 22 November, 2010, at 7pm, at the
regular meeting location of Room MS4.G.02
Several officers and committee members will be stepping down this year. Society membership has also gone down recently. Present and past members interested in seeing WLUG continue as an IncorporatedSociety are encouraged to attend this years AGM to meet quorum requirements and stand for election.
If a quorum is established and new officers step forward, a bylaw change is proposed to be voted on. Please see the WlugCharterDiscussion for more details.
To be eligible to vote at the meeting you must have previously been a financial member (although not necessarily for the 2010 year) and pay your membership for 2011 at or before the AGM.
To be eligible to vote or stand for office at the AGM members must have paid a subscription for the 2010 year before the AGM. If you'd like to stand for committee and have not paid for membership this year, please do this at the October Meeting or November SaturdayWorkshop.
An amendment about who can vote at the meeting was passed in 2008.
"That the WLUG charter be amended to allow former paid members of the WLUG of good standing, whose membership has lapsed, to vote at an AGM of the WLUG with the proviso that they rejoin the WLUG and pay a new subscription at or before the AGM."
Meeting opened at 7:51
JB moves minutes from past AGM be approved, Roderick second
Quorum Established (12 members present of 21 total)
Ronnie Presidents Report.
Thoughts about last year SFD was good, presentations were not so good. Saturday workshops good, but we need to mend relationship with Te Whanu or find a new Venue.
Treasurers Report
$453 in the bank, SFD cost a little more than expected. Treasurers report submitted, JB moves Rod seconds it is accepted unanimously.
Electing Committee
Nominating President. John nominates Ronnie again, Chris O'Halloran self-nominates for President.
More discussion about direction.
5-4 Chris wins.
Vice President
Nominated Ronnie for Vice President. JB moves Ron Dean second.
John Nominated by Roderick, seconded by Ronnie. Unanimous. afaik.
Wayne Grimsey nominated by JB, second by Chris O. Unanimous.
Sam Lin, Rod Aldridge, Tom Butz voted to General Committee unanimously.
Bruce moves to make Craig Box honorary lifetime member.
What is an honorary member? What is the purpose?
Deferred till next year for more discussion of required bylaw changes. Esp regarding quorum. Suggested that they should not affect quorum, unless present to vote.
Sysadmin role amendment proposal not accepted.
Meeting closed 8:59
to be amended before these records can be accepted as true and correct; I did not move that we make Craig Box an honorary life member, I moved that we allow for nomination of honorary life members to recognise those who have made a substantial contribution to WLUG (as requested by Craig Box, who would be one of the people that probably deserves this recognition) -- zcat
2 pages link to MeetingTopics.2010-11-22:
Notice: 'to be amended before these records can be accepted as true and correct; I did not move that we make Craig Box an honorary life member, I moved that we allow for nomination of honorary life members to recognise those who have made a substantial contribution to WLUG (as requested by Craig Box, who would be one of the people that probably deserves this recognition)': Bad page name: too long