WLUG Meeting Minutes
23 February 2006
Meeting opened at 7:49pm.
Present: LindsayDruett, CraigBox, IanMcDonald, MatthiasDallmeier,
PerryLorier, GianPerrone,
Motion: that the minutes are a true and accurate record of the previous meeting.
Moved: IanMcDonald
Seconded: MatthiasDallmeier
Motion passed
We have chosen the room TW.2.07 for our next meeting. If it's well received we will attempt to book it for the remainder of the year. Ian has received no answer about sponsorship from the CS department and will follow this up.
This room has a data projector but using it is not free. We will continue to provide our own.
CRCnet need to speak to Graham Castle from ITS about LAN access to the room.
The SSL certificate for secure.wlug.org.nz has been renewed.
Ian is to chase up Orcon regarding payment for the www.wlug.org.nz domain, transferring it to annual billing, preferably by direct debit. We are happy to support Orcon, who sponsor us by hosting Hoiho.
An ICT survey was sent to us by the 20/20 Communication Trust, which was filled out by the secretary and returned.
Our financial statements have been transferred and seem complete. We are down on subscriptions from last year but most of the extra were picked up at the installfest, and we expect this trend to continue.
MattBrown presented a report informing us that Google AdSense had been installed on the wiki, and that initial feedback had been positive. He will continue to monitor the situation, adjusting the advertising as appropriate. Initial projections suggest that advertising revenue could match subscription revenue after a year.
Matt is currently working on fixing the wiki issues under IE.
We were asked to consider having a regular GPG key signing. We feel that there is a lot of explaining to do about why GPG keys are a good thing, and to do this at a regular meeting would detract from the people who aren't interested or already know how the process exists.
We will however encourage people that want to have their GPG keys signed to bring fingerprints and ID along to meetings, so that they can join the web of trust.
Running a keysigning at the installfest would be an excellent idea, and it will go onto the list of things to do at the installfest this year.
After a quiet period for the LUG, we were asked by a member to muse on the seeming stop of activity after the change of the committee.
We have tentative meeting topics planned from now through May and a new meeting venue, so we feel we are on track for delivering good meetings throughout the year. We are committed to having meetings planned two months out, and each committee member has been asked to follow up for a lead for a meeting presenter.
For the quiet period over Christmas, we discussed options for the BBQ last meeting, where we suggested we should hold it earlier in December, and attempt to get a higher turnout, and at that point, make sure we always have a January meeting planned in advance.
It was also suggested that over quiet periods that we use the mailing list more as a community builder; perhaps by encouraging people to post useful links/resources, or having a wiki drive. An idea presented was to have a "cool wall" of URLs on the wiki, which are summarised weekly to the mailing list. It might like to be the job of a member to publish such a digest?
As for advocacy and promotional events, we have several ideas which are referred to in the next item.
Lots of ideas were floated about events we would like to run this year:
This event should be held soon before the installfest.
Next committee meeting, 16th March; 18 Hinton Ave.
Meeting closed at 9.05pm.
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