WLUG Committee Meeting
24 August 2006
Meeting opened at 7:50pm.
Present: CraigBox, LindsayDruett, IanMcDonald,
DavidHallett, MatthiasDallmeier
Moved: LindsayDruett
Seconded: IanMcDonald
Motion carried
CraigMckenna is "going to get it to us any day". Lindsay to call him tomorrow.
Two payments have been received for 2006-2007.
Lindsay has made arrangements with Orcon and the server is going in on 11am on Saturday. We will be receiving a formal agreement with Orcon in the near future.
Perry will co-ordinate repair of the database for moving it to the new server.
Ask for e-mail address in return for CD - piece of paper, put on list. Happy with goals as written on the forum.
We currently have a half-finished media release. Ian has a plan for sending this out this weekend - any further edits can be made tomorrow.
No Mac.
Windows, Linux PCs. - IT Partners to provide. Have an ipod/show ipod sync.
No option for cable. David to call Telecom. Failing that, look at WAND doing a temporary wireless connection.
2 shirts + 4 extra - Craig to order 3L, 3XL. RimuHosting keen to sponsor more.
We have 2 x 5m of space. We are provided with 1 table, 1 tablecloth, 2 chairs. 1800mm by 600mm.
Need another table.
Lindsay suggests talking to Peter Stone - COGs at the Library - for display cases. (Stand Up Jobbies)
Investigate (2 of if possible).
To use SFD ones if possible - Have ISOs on a machine to burn
David suggests Zoom Print.
Jayne might be keen (!). Get back in touch with Mystique/investigate further/require adult sized suit & to send them a picture of Tux.
25th of September - TW2.07 as usual. No topic specified - depending on e-mails and talking to people, decide generic topic.
Welcome meeting, end of committee year meeting, pizza & refreshments.
AGM to be held on 2 October, one week after the 25th of September.
Make contact with IBM, Novell and Red Hat, to see if we can get some traction - get an October meeting if possible.
In person - 1 week before SFD - separate from WLUG.
Everyone wants Craig to badger them.
To keep running as they will take a while to pick up. Want a smarter answer for forum spam management
David to do TNC. Phone Lin.
Next meeting: 21st September, Ian's house.
Meeting closed at 9:49pm.
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