
WLUG Committee Meeting
18 May 2005
Meeting Minutes

Meeting opened at 7.24pm

Present: CraigBox, PerryLorier, JohnMcPherson, JamieCurtis, CraigMckenna, GreigMcGill, GianPerrone
Apologies: MattBrown

1. Minutes from previous meeting

The number of Perrys attending was edited to reflect the actual number of Perrys on the committee.

Motion: that the minutes are a true and accurate record of the previous meeting

Moved JohnMcPherson
Seconded JamieCurtis

Motion passed

2. Matters arising from previous meeting

Exim4 video and encoded online; Perry to announce and wiki.

3. Correspondence

  • Books for installfest from O'Reilly; two given away, rest in library - John to email and thank.
  • 100 Hoary CDs arrived from Canonical. Currently being distributed.

4. Treasurers report

Total cost of installfest: $19.10. 12 people paid for $10 memberships on the day, 5 more have memberships with subs outstanding.

The secretaries report was tabled and accepted. The Treasurer has been locked in a room with wishes to contemplate life.

5. Funds discussion

The committee has decided that our funding is to be held in reserve to meet unexpected operating costs such as hosting, server expenses, meeting rooms and possible speakers.

6. Installfest report

The installfest was very successful. Problems we had are discussed at InstallFestNotes. Obvious things to address next time, food, assigning helpers to helpees (possible solution: tickets/numbers), follow up support. script did lots - should have set default web page to wiki.

Craig to write letters to sponsors/supporters. (Crawshaw, DSE, Allied Telesyn/Connector Systems).

7. Installfest future

While it went well, we feel we only reached a couple of people

  • Social event as well.
  • Sponsors
  • Linux expo

Options: do it again, do it with changes, drop it.

Mindshare issues.

Partner with Red Hat, Novell etc.

We would like to target a different group of people - achieving the goals of the charter.

8. Membership forms

  • Modify to put a tickbox, and ask for username/password.
  • $10 signups from installfest on? Membership fee to be a nominal amount, effectively a donation,
  • Continue to charge $20

9. Possible upcoming meeting: Graham Lauder

NZCS are suggesting Okarore, 5 min south of Tirau, 13 June, dinner + meeting, $5 levy; we will announce this to the list and suggest people attend if they are interested.

9. General business

  • Administrative procedures & documentation - update docs/wiki pages for what happens.
  • May: With no Nandor, Matt Brown talking about GPG on Monday, failing that Greig will tapdance.
  • June: Nandor, 13 June.
  • July: Perry to approach Peter Guttman, and possibly approach Graham Lauder.
  • August: IP lawyer.

Meeting closed at 8:49pm.
