Paid-up WLUG members can use this page to request books that they would like to see
the WlugLibrary acquire. Ideally, put the name of the book, the publisher and/or distributor, the ISBN, and your name for each request.
Maybe check that the book you want isn't already in the WLUG Library Database.
Note: If you say you are "Interested" in a book in this list, then we expect you to at least help write a review of it if we acquire a free review copy of that book.
Priority will be given to books requested by multiple members, and to members who have no outstanding reviews :)
Please put any requests under the appropriate publisher.
Note: I'm not sure if we have sponsorship agreements with all of these publishers, but I think these books look like they might be interesting anyway. See the PublisherAgreements page for people who currently donate or offer review copies of books to WLUG members.
(search their online catalog - and
Wicked Cool Java: Code Bits, Open-Source Libraries, and Project Ideas
Swing Hacks: Tips and Tools for Killer GUIs
Killer Game Programming in Java
(search catalog - - note you will need to filter the categories quite a bit otherwise it will match too many items, and will time out trying to generate the results page.)
Computer Graphics Using Java 2D and 3D
Asterisk: The Future of Telephony
HTTP: The Definitive Guide
If you have said you will write a review, but are feeling a bit stuck, try reading O'Reilly's review guidelines.
See the WLUG Library Database for all items.
Apache: The definitive guide
CVS Pocket Reference
IPv6 Essentials
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition
KERBEROS: The definitive guide
Squid: The definitive guide
The Complete FreeBSD, 4th Ed.
Version Control with Subversion
Ubuntu Linux for Non-Geeks - Second Edition
Official Gnome 2 Developer's Guide
DNS and Bind (4th Ed)
3 pages link to WantedBooks: