WlugMember plugin ldap error: missing php ldap?
- Alastair Porter
- BCMS Hons (First Class), WaikatoUniversity
- Used to live in Morrinsville and attend Morrinsville College
- Spent an extra year as a LazyStudent studying towards a BMus at the NZ School of Music
- Gave up on studying for a while and got a job with
- Frequents #wlug with the Nick alastair
- Have played the Trombone for a great number of years (I'm quite good, you know)
- Proud recipient of an ATCL (Recital) Diploma
I used to play with
- Waikato Symphony Orchestra
- Hamilton Big Band (as well as Musical Director)
I currently play with
- I run Ubuntu. GNOME. etc. Desktop Linux is quite nice. You should try it some time.
- Server Linux is also quite nice, you should try it some time.
- I used to think that TheWikiIsEvil, however I have since realised the error of my ways.
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