Based on the fine example of DunLug, we have established a library of technical books to loan to those who have joined WLUG. Most of the books are donated through PublisherAgreements. See the Reviews page for reviews of these items written by WLUG members.
Paid up members can also request books for the library to acquire on the WantedBooks page, although if you request a book you are expected to write a review of it.
The library currently lives at the home of the current Librarian, JamesPluck. You can
browse its items online -- requested items are available for pickup or you can arrange for them to be brought to the next WLUG meeting.
Items are current lent out for a 2 week period, although this can be renewed for another 2 weeks if noone else has placed a request.
Contact JohnMcPherson to borrow the followings:
Contact ElroyLiddington to borrow the following books:
Contact Sid Swami on the WlugMailingList to borrow any of the following books: