WLUG Meeting Minutes
16 March 2006
Meeting opened at 7:40pm.
Present: LindsayDruett, CraigBox, IanMcDonald, MatthiasDallmeier,
Apologies: GianPerrone, DavidHallett
Motion: that the minutes are a true and accurate record of the previous meeting.
Moved: CraigBox
Seconded: IanMcDonald
Motion passed
The Waikato University Computer Science department have again kindly agreed to sponsor the cost of room bookings for our meetings for the year. The room TW.2.07 was well received and we are happy to continue using it.
Orcon payment for the www.wlug.org.nz domain has been sorted. In return for their continued sponsorship, the WLUG committee will suggest its members use Orcon products and services.
The wiki software was upgraded, and then downgraded again due to it stressing the hardware and causing faults (see point 5 below)
We have answered question required to get a firm quote for a promotional banner for WLUG. When this arrives, we will discuss the details and get a design that everyone agrees on. We agreed to authorize spending at this meeting so that we can arrange for it immediately when consensus is reached.
Motion: that the committee authorize spending of up to $500 on a promotional banner for WLUG
Moved: PerryLorier
Seconded: LindsayDruett
Motion passed
Conversion of data from Quickbooks format needs to performed to submit a financial return to the Societies Office; Ian will send the data to Craig to investigate.
A summary of the situation was posted to the mailing list in the last week - the server hardware is no longer trusted. DanielLawson has loaned us a disk, which
MattBrown has installed.
We intend to hold the server donated by WAND and IT Partners as a backup in case of emergency, and proceed with a plan to seek sponsorship for a new, rack mountable server (2U or less, 1GB of RAM, redundant disks), from companies such as HP, IBM, Dell and Sun. Ian will co-ordinate writing of a letter on the wiki, and we will aim to have them off with in two weeks, to have answers for the next meeting.
Ian reports we should expect a possible influx of 208 students to our next meeting.
Possible meeting speakers for April: Andrew Thrift (Lindsay), HP (Ian). To be announced at next meeting at latest.
Next committee meeting, 20th April; location TBA.
Meeting closed at 8.55pm.
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