WLUG Committee Meeting
20 October 2004
Provisional Meeting Minutes
Meeting opened at 7.13pm
Present: GreigMcGill, CraigBox, JohnMcPherson, JamieCurtis,
MattBrown, CraigMckenna
Apologies: PerryLorier
Absent: GianPerrone, KyleCarter
Motion: that the minutes are a true and accurate record of the previous meeting
Moved GreigMcGill
Seconded JamieCurtis
Motion passed
PLEASE NOTE: The minutes were subsequently revised to note that PerryLorier was in attendance at this meeting.
Aside from some some printing difficulties these are complete and will be available to hand out at Monday's meeting.
The committee was asked to consider the response given by an autoresponder email address. A show of hands provided unanimous support for the autoresponder with the proviso that the message clearly state that you can sign up to the mailing list without needing web access, and that the original message be returned. This can be revisited at a later date if necessary.
Matt will be moving to Auckland in January but has stated he is willing to remaining on the committee if possible. The committee will consider its options at that point and consider co-opting another member if required.
John has added an admin interface for reports on who donated what/what books are out, and an email reminder to people who have books oustanding. The look and feel of the library will be overhauled along with the Wiki.
The library will be formally announced at the next meeting.
Peachpit have asked for reviews to come in within 90 days. John will look at sending in a review and ordering more books from them.
Migration is still proving a problem as the original wiki version is a heavily patched unstable release. 1.3.10 also has no IPv6 support, but the feeling is that this is not as much of a loss as some of the other functionality we are waiting on the new wiki to provide, and can be added later with the PhpWiki team.
Comment was made that the Wiki needs a cleaner and more professional image - it is suggested that we look at basing a theme on the MediaWiki? theme in 1.3.10.
Closer to working - wrong pages still going to the wrong lists, Craig B to investigate with Perry.
Started on the wiki a long time ago - for the mailing list, somewhat supplanted by the AUP. Matt to look into but with no urgency.
Craig to present at next meeting - 10 min slot going over WLUG resources (wiki, library, mailing list), Google & searching. Switch and patch cables required - IT Partners to loan. A firewalled internet connection will be available.
We need to investigate schema changes required to have PAM automatically figure out based on date paid, time of AGM etc, whether an account should have login permissions.
John has been given sudo access to Hoiho for this and other LDAP/wiki related work.
Greig has been talking to the NZLUG list admins about the direction of NZLUG, with a view to making it a national group representing LUGs instead of an Auckland-centric mailing list. Committee members were asked to go and check out the NZLUG Wiki and see what direction is planned. The initial feeling of the committee is that a roadmap should be planned and the first steps completed first, instead of trying to do too much at once.
Meeting closed at 8:27pm.
One page links to CommitteeMeetingTopics.2004-10-20: