WLUG Meeting Minutes
17 November 2005
Meeting opened at 7:42pm.
Present: CraigBox, MatthiasDallmeier,
PerryLorier, GianPerrone
Apologies: LindsayDruett, DavidHallett, IanMcDonald
Motion: that the minutes are a true and accurate record of the previous meeting.
Moved: GianPerrone
Seconded: PerryLorier
Motion passed
All the matters from the previous meeting are outstanding and still require action.
CraigMckenna has asked us to seek alternative hosting because Hoiho is using too much bandwidth.
Options that have been investigated so far:
Our preference is for a free/sponsored arrangement for both a machine and hosting. A 1U machine is preferable for "hiding in other peoples' hosting" and being considerate on rack space.
Options for fixing:
Options for getting a machine, in rough order of preference:
Action: Write letters asking for sponsorship options in order of preference. Find out how long CraigM will continue hosting, look at moving it immediately to BSD if required.
November meeting topic: No meeting topic. To be followed up on mailing list and have someone take responsibility by end of tomorrow.
Gian's place still on offer (Taharua Rd) - 12km out of Hamilton, might be better to get somewhere close; tentative date is 18 December. Effort to be made to make the barbeque more inclusive. Venue and date to be confirmed by the next meeting.
No formal committee meeting arranged for December; will start up again in January.
Meeting closed at 8:20pm.
No page links to CommitteeMeetingTopics.2005-11-17.