WLUG ran a set of Introduction to Linux tutorials in the 2nd and 3rd week of A Semester 2004. These tutorials are aimed at first and second year Computer Science students and were sponsored by the CS Department.
If you have questions or need more information about the UnixTutorials email linuxtuts@wlug.org.nz. Slides and demonstration material from each seminar are available.
An introduction to useful OSS applications that can be used under linux. This will focus on what is installed in the TSG labs and will probably cover
MagicPoint Source
Sample .emacs file
A general introduction to emacs, what it is, how to use it and tips for performing common tasks.
An introduction to process control in unix systems. We will cover how to start, stop, suspend and kill processes.
File/Process ownership/permissions
A summary of how to put everything that has been taught together, followed by a question and answer session.
At the end of the 6th seminar each participant will receive a copy of the popular "Cheat Sheet" and a copy of WlugKnoppix, a bootable linux CD based on Knoppix 3.3
Part of CategoryBeginners
4 pages link to UnixTutorials: