WLUG Committee Meeting
20 June 2005
Meeting Minutes
Meeting opened at 7.08pm
PerryLorier, JohnMcPherson, JamieCurtis,
MattBrown, GreigMcGill, GianPerrone
CraigBox, CraigMckenna
1. Minutes from previous meeting
Motion: that the minutes are a true and accurate record of the previous meeting
Moved GreigMcGill
Seconded GianPerrone
Motion passed
2. Matters arising from previous meeting
PerryLorier still to announce Exim4 Video to list. Confirm with Craig as to whether InstallFest sponsors were thanked/followed up.
3. Correspondence
- No correspondence was received.
4. Treasurers report
The treasurer was not present, however the financial position of the WLUG has not altered since the last report.
5. Map out meetings through to September including AGM
July: Denise Tyrer-Harding from Pipers to be confirmed, but initial emails confirm she is happy to present.
August: Peter Guttman tentatively - Perry to confirm.
September: AGM only - possibility of meeting not ruled out if any ideas are presented.
6. Review of fundraising ideas
WEL Energy Trust application due in September. Test rig still primary option.
7. Hoiho - When/How shall we upgrade to Sarge, and Who should do this?
JohnMcPherson to prepare upgrade plan with services and customisations (checklist and backup strategy).
Upgrade to be done before Saturday the 25th of June.
8. The Wiki Debate
We want to achieve:
- We want to display clean rendering to all viewers.
- We want to maintain one style of markup language, which should be as flexible and as simple as possible.
- We want to have a clean, maintained platform which is easily upgraded.
- We want to ensure any modifications made are not wasted - the OSS community should benefit.
The following considerations were discussed:
- PhpWiki is still being actively developed, albeit slowly.
- MediaWiki? is being heavily and actively developed.
- MoinMoin uses flat files - this rules it out.
Conclusion - Two approaches will be attempted in tandem:
9. Relicensing Wiki content under CreativeCommons
The committee resolved that the Wiki should be licensed under the CreativeCommons
Wiki License - Attribution ShareAlike. The key question that now needs to be answered is how to ensure that we are able to relicense all of the current wiki content under this license.
Migration Plan
- All contributions after a specific date will be licensed under the CC license (this date will be set once the below steps have been completed and will be anounced via the Mailing List and on the edit page of the wiki).
- A script will be written, utilising our wiki history that extends back to when the wiki was created, to create a list of all Authors who have contributed diffs or more than 10 lines of content where that content still exists in the current version of the page.
- We will then seek to secure agreement from these authors that their content can be relicensed under the CC license.
- The committee does not feel any need to seek permission to relicense contributions of less than 10 lines as it is fairly well understood principle that a small modification or addition to a work does not constitute claim to copyright on the work.
- When author has agreed to license a link will be added to their homepage to denote this.
- Wiki plugin will handle display the appropriate license for a page based on whether the authors have been determined to have agreed to the CC license or not.
- Pages where permission to relicense a significant proportion of the content cannot be obtained will remain in their current state (copyright held with Author, no explicit license or rights granted) until such time as they are reviewed.
- Should a complaint be made about the content of a page, by the author of that content, we will be happy to remove the content from the wiki.
The committee does not believe that a formal legal opinion needs to be obtained on these matters, but will seek advice from other parties such as Nick Rout and the Canterbury LUG.
This migration is to be managed by
10. General business
DanielLawson wished to clarify the position of WLUG regarding use of funds with regard to:
- Planned expenses
- Possible expenses
GreigMcGill will work out average expenditure with CraigMckenna from the last 3 years, and extrapolate this into a very basic operating budget.
The committee felt this was relatively unnecessary, given the low levels of funding involved, and the relatively small operating requirements of the group.
Our financial records are available from the Treasurer on request at any time.
10.2. NZLUG Wiki
Discussion post-nzlug mailing list thread.
Motion: If there is an appropriate indication from NZLUG that it is desirable, Perry will put up an NZLUG branded entrypoint into the WLUG Wiki.
Meeting closed at 9:29pm.