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"Alias greig on IRC and is a RedHatCertifiedEngineer"...

It should be noted that greig is not an alias, it's my name dammit! :)

It seems that far too many people feel the need to use an alias/nick/whatever. These are usually silly, and realnames are just better anyway.

So yeah...

I guess I'm the truant of the wlug. I set up the original mailing list on our dial-up ExchangeServer? (oh...the irony...) at work many moons ago, and have lurked/done very little with the group since. I Believe With Capital Letters though, so never take my absence as lack of faith in the LUG, or in Linux. In fact, the reason I'm so absent is that I'm usually out converting companies to Linux! :)

Wrote a (possibly never to be used) ProposedDisclaimer?.

Co-invented the ElectionNightDrinkingGame.

Greig can be considered the 'father of the WLUG' in his own patriachical way; about 6 months later, the list was converted to running at the uni (see the FirstPost?)

Greig also apparently makes a good curry. We're trying to encourage something like a Hamilton version of ThursdayNightCurry.

Greig likes to bail, because he is a BadBadMan?.