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If you want to let people know you're a proud paid member of WlugIncorporated on your wiki page, put

<? plugin !WlugMember? ?>

at the top of your page. 1?

This page is for people who have added a page about themselves into the Wiki. If you're looking for people that are globally involved in Linux (LinusTorvalds, RichardStallman etc) but who aren't related directly to the WLUG or this Wiki, see CategoryPeople.

Interesting people, who might well be seen at a WLUG meeting:

Some of these people can be found attending the GeekLunchOnWednesdays.

Persons that are signed Wikizens but aren't from round these parts 2?:

Users home pages on the Wiki:

When editing this page, remember that you only need to use right-brackets around a name when it isn't a WikiWord.


1? What does that do besides placing an image on one's page? If it were "!CategoryWlugMember?" the manual list below would be self maintaining, btw. :) --AristotlePagaltzis

It checks against the list of paid members, and gives you either a "paid" or "unpaid" icon appropriately. So it does need to be maintained separately. -- crb

2? Dito category (possibly !CategoryOtherWikizens?). :) --AristotlePagaltzis

Then we have the "no orphans" problem; which is more important? -- crb --