Has completed a BCMS (SoftwareEngineering) at WaikatoUniversity.
(Alas, no longer a LazyStudent :^)
Born in the Netherlands, speaks fluent
Dutch, English, German, and a wee bit of French.
Has been resident in NewZealand since eh... 1994.
GerwinVanDeSteeg's older brother.
Sometime member of the HamiltonBulletinBoardScene.
Programs in Java and C++ where ever possible, but has experience with a variety of other nasty ProgrammingLanguages.
(Pascal, VisualBasic, VisualC++, Scheme, Perl, Prolog, Haskell...)
Has found a job in the RealWorld :o Currently working at AucklandUniversity, in the School of Biological Sciences,
Bioinformatics Institute as a Research Programmer?/ SystemAdministrator.
Interests include:
And lots of other things...
4 pages link to MarcelVanDeSteeg: