The WLUG is the Waikato LinuxUsersGroup, an IncorporatedSociety that exists for the betterment of Free software (on any platform) and Free OperatingSystems such as Linux or BSD, in the Waikato province of NewZealand.
Yes. See WlugMailingList.
Waikato Linux Users Group Inc. C/- Faculty of Computing and Mathematical Sciences The University of Waikato Private Bag 3105 Hamilton 3240 New Zealand
We have a meeting every month, which is normally the fourth Monday of the month at
MS4.G.02 at WaikatoUniversity. Any changes to these will be notified to the WlugMailingList.
Check our list of OldMeetingTopics, and just MeetingTopics for future ones too, as far back as they can be remembered.
If you have a topic you'd like to see discussed at a meeting, add it to IdeasForFutureMeetings.
We start the meeting at 7:30 pm, so please be there before then.
It's really a community thing, but as an IncorporatedSociety (see WlugIncorporated), the WLUG is governed by the WlugCommittee. Committee meetings are held separately from WLUG presentation meetings.
Anyone is welcome to take part on the list, to join the chatroom, the #wlug channel on the UnderNet IRC network (please note, #wlug is extremely informal, and is not affiliated with WLUG in any way. It just shares many of the same people), and to come to our monthly meetings. "Official" membership is not required. If you want to join the LUG formally, you are invited to sign up, pay a $20 membership fee. This will allow you to gain access to all sorts of cool things (including a shell account on the WlugServer and access to the WlugLibrary) and allow us to provide some internet-related services for everyone. Read JoinWlug to proceed.
See our LinuxUsersGroup page. Volker Kuhlmann also has
a comprehensive list of Linux and OpenSource related lists in NewZealand. If this isn't the WLUG you are looking for, see W-LUGs for others.
We sometimes like to think of ourselves in a humourous light. You might want to check out the WlugBananaRepublic. Or a bit of background information about WlugCulture. But we have a WlugLogo, so we must be for real.
Serious information is solicited through the WlugMailingList or the WlugSurvey.
36 pages link to WaikatoLinuxUsersGroup:
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