
Obsolete - WlugCommittee will revise this soon

This page lists some of the things that the WaikatoLinuxUsersGroup are doing, and that anyone can help participate in.

Annual WLUG XMAS barbecue

Coming up every December... details will be announced on the mailing list and on this wiki.

Submissions to government

In 2004, WLUG made a submission to a Government (Ministry of Economic Development) working group looking at legislation covering spam .See the LegislatingAgainstSpam wiki page.

We wish to co-operate with similar societies in NZ to form an OpenLetterToCandidates to request views and policies which relate to OpenSource and OpenStandard?s. This can then be used during both national and local government elections.

ParliamentaryQuestions as suggested by RodneyHide.

The Wiki

The website you are reading right now is the WlugWiki. A wiki is a site where anyone can edit and create pages, adding to the knowledge base. Feel free to fix any mistakes or add your own insights/knowledge to any page. Because a changelog is kept for all changes made, it is easy to revert pages if someone is deliberately deleting things or adding "grafitti"! However, please don't practice Wiki:DisagreeByDeleting.

Install Fest

WLUG ran a successful InstallFest for Linux users in May 2004, and May 2005. These will probably be held at least annually.

We also attended the DickSmithElectronicsComputerExpo on 17/18 July 2004.

Monthly Meetings

Every month (on the 4th Monday), WLUG organises a presentation open to anyone. See the sidebar (to the right) for details on the upcoming meeting.

See OldMeetingTopics for links to all previous meetings.