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Acronym of Gnu Network Object Model Environment.

The GNOME project (pronounced with a hard "G") is a collaborative software project building a complete user-friendly graphic user interface (GUI) entirely with free software components. GNOME is a GUI for GNU/Linux/Unix systems.

Gnome is mostly a gui infrastructure for writing applications to provide the Gnome windowing environment.

Gnome is built on the Gimp Toolkit GTK. With the recent release of Gnome 2, we're seeing more and more professional, easy to use Linux applications. Plus it's much faster now and you can make it look dead sexy.

Ximian, a company set up by the founder of the GNOME project to develop it commercially, have a customized version called XimianGnome? you can download from their web site.

See KDE, DesktopEnvironment and LinuxOnTheDesktop.

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