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Living in Cologne, Germany (GMT+1).
Came here for a Google hit on SSHNotes, decided to stay for the rest of the content.
Increasing my Google pagerank for fun and profit: Aristotle Pagaltzis' homepage

Loyal Perl hacker. You can often find me at free bonus. My Perl GeekCode
Version: 0.01 P++(++++)R+++M+>++O++>+++MA+++E+++ PU++++BD (+++)C++>*D++S++X++WP+++MO+++ o++G+OLC+OLCC---OLJ--OLP---OLA*Ee--- Ev++uL+++w->!

Comments from other people:

Highly appreciated WikiGnome!

Appears to have a full time job editing the WLUG Wiki.

//] : --CraigBox (after the ProgrammingLanguage refactor)

Vote AristotlePagaltzis for God, for doing all the work on the WLUG wiki.

My loyalties in various ReligiousWars:

Wiki pet projects:

Remember: YouCanNeverPreviewEnoughTimes

You've been missing a while? You still about? And, does your webpage/blog have an RSS feed? -- PerryLorier

I've been somewhat absent, yeah. Removing my bookmark and subscribing to the RecentEdits feed seems not to have been such a good idea..

Plasmasturm does not yet have an RSS feed, because it's all purely hand-maintained HTML (besides the neat SSI hackery I posted about a while ago). I'm working on that though: a few days ago I discovered Bryar is flexible enough that I can integrate it into my site, rather than integrating my site into a blog system, as most of them would require me to. Right now I'm working on a custom datasource for it, so that I can maintain individual entries manually the way all of the rest of the site works, and only have Bryar generate the frontpage and feeds for me. That would also get me commenting capability, whee.

You read Plasmasturm? :-)

