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Microsoft Windows is an operating system. MicrosoftCorporation make it. You've used it. You probably disliked something about it.

Quoth orj: "it's something we all love to hate"

...except for GreigMcGill, who does NOT love to hate it, he just wishes it would go away, thus making everybody's life more pleasant, and the field of technical support a lot less like pin the tail on the donkey...

WlugIncorporated is about advocating Linux, and providing honest comparisons, not FearUncertaintyDoubt? comparisons. Don't say Windows is teh sucks because then you look like an idiot.

See WhyComputersSometimesCrash and HowToBootLinuxUsingWindowsLoader?

Flavours of Microsoft Windows

  • Windows 1.x/2.x: Fun(?) with 286's.
  • Windows 3.1: Still openly sat on top of DOS.
  • Windows 3.11 for Workgroups: Same as Windows 3.1 with better networking bits.
  • Windows 95/98/98 Second Edition/Millenium Edition: Still sat on top of DOS, but pretended not to. 98SE still popular today with gamers as many games written for it don't run well on the newer, NT-kernel-based versions
  • Windows NT: In 19?? Microsoft decided to abandon their participation in IBM's OS/2 project and instead decided to create Windows NT. Microsoft's latest Windows NT derived OS is Windows XP.
  • Windows 2000: 1999. What I consider to be the best release of Windows so far. But even then it isn't so great. It sold well. Available in a number of varieties such as; Professional as a workstation; Server; Advanced Server; and Datacenter.
  • Windows XP: 2001. Microsoft's current drug of choice. Comes in a number of varieties (Home, Professional, Embedded) etc. See also; eXtraPants
  • PocketPC 2002: Previously known as Windows CE (Consumer Edition), and renamed because we all called it WINCE.
  • Windows 2003: You can basically call this XP Server. It's easier to setup than Windows 2000 Server, and it looks and feels like Windows XP. No workstation version available at the moment (See Windows XP)

Part of CategoryOperatingSystem

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