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An Acronym for Internet Service Provider.

An organisation whose main activity is to provide a broad range of InterNet services, usually to the retail market. Common services include DialUp connections, ADSL connections, WebServers hosting their members' WebSites, a WebProxy, Email servers, NTP servers, NNTP servers, DNS servers, FTP servers (often mirrors of software archives), games servers, ...

See also IspFlames. Compare IAP.

Without getting into nit-picks about ISP/IAP differences thankyouverymuch, here are some local (Waikato and New Zealand) ISPs. Please don't add subjective comments - that's what IspFlames is for. Unless specified otherwise, the ISPs are NZ wide (thanks to the 0867/IPNet network).

WirelessNetworking providers in Hamilton:

The following are now defunct:

There are also some international ISPs of historical note:

  • UUNET, now part of MCI, was the first ever ISP and still a major provider of wholesale services
  • AOL was one of the first ISPs to mass market InterNet access to the public.

There is a nice map of NZ ISP connectivity at

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