Telecom's got a lovely range of DSL plans coming up, they seem to be adding about one plan a week or so at the moment, just to keep you on your toes. Rumour has it that telecom have promised the !ComCom? to have 250k subscribers by the end of 2005 so they are perhaps getting desperate. ''
See the NZADSLPlans page for plans available from other ISPs (either retail jetstream or wholesale/unbundled plans).
NOTE: All prices on this page are what Telecom charges. Any fees charged by your ISP are not included on this page.
|v Name||^Cost||^Bandwidth|v Cap |v Overcap |v Bandwidth |Telecom Tolls|Other Tolls|Down|Up ||||||||<Original telecom plans |JetStream Start (jetstart)3?||> $29.95 |> 128k|> 128k| |> None|FastIP |JetStream Home 5006?||> $49.00|> 8M2?|> 700k |> 500MB|> 20c/MB|FastIPDirect |JetStream Home 10006?||> $69.00 |> 8M|> 700k |> 500MB|> 20c/MB|FastIPDirect |JetStream Business 600||> $69.00 |> 8M|> 700k |> 600MB|> 20.25c/MB|FastIPDirect |JetStream Business 1200||> $135.00 |> 8M|> 700k |> 1,200MB|> 19.13c/MB|FastIPDirect |JetStream Business 1800||> $199.00 |> 8M|> 700k |> 1,800MB|> 18.00c/MB|FastIPDirect |JetStream Business 3000||> $328.50 |> 8M|> 700k |> 3,000MB|> 16.09c/MB|FastIPDirect |JetStream Business 5000||> $512.25 |> 8M|> 700k |> 5,000MB|> 14.06c/MB|FastIPDirect |JetStream Business 10000||> $999.00 |> 8M|> 700k |> 10,00MB|> 12.04c/MB|FastIPDirect |JetStream Business 20000||> $1800.00 |> 8M|> 700k |> 20,000MB|> 10.13c/MB|FastIPDirect ||||||||<New Venture plans7? - announced Jul 2004 |JetStream Venture 1G||> $51.06 |> 256k|> 128k|> 1G |> 4.4c/MB|FastIPDirect |JetStream Venture 3G||> $71.06 |> 256k|> 128k|> 3G |> 4.4c/MB|FastIPDirect |JetStream Venture Flatrate||> $91.06 |> 256k|> 128k| |> None|FastIPDirect ||||||||<!JetStream Surf - announced Feb 20044? |JetStream Surf 1G|> $29.95|> $39.95 |> 256k|> 128k|> 1G|> 2c/MB|FastIPDirect |JetStream Surf 3G|> $39.95|> $49.95 |> 256k|> 128k|> 3G|> 2c/MB|FastIPDirect |JetStream Surf 10G|> $59.95|> $69.95 |> 256k|> 128k|> 10G|> 64k|FastIPDirect ||||||||<UBS |UBS1?9?10?12? ||> $24.50 |> 256k |> 128k |> 10G|> ?|UBS ||||||||<iUBS |iUBS1?9? || |> 256k |> 128k |> 10G|> ?|FastIP ||||||||<comcomUBS ||||||||^ unannounced ||||||||<New Telecom plans - announced 24-Sep-2004 5?13? |JetStream Go|> $29.95 |> $39.95 |> 256k |> 128k |> 1G |> 64k |> WSA8? |JetStream Everyday|> $34.95 |> $44.95 |> 1M |> 128k|> 1G |> 64k |> WSA |JetStream Explorer|> $39.95 |> $49.95|> 256k |> 128k |> 3G |> 64k |> WSA |JetStream Plus|> $59.95 |> $69.95 |> 2M |> 128k |> 10G |> 64k |> WSA |JetStream Swift|> $59.95 |> $69.95 |> 2M |> 128k |> 10G |> 2c/MB |> WSA
1?: ISP's are charged if their average is over 10G per customer if they pass this onto users is uncertain
2?: Jetstream plans are ADSL's 'theoretical maximum' at about 8M if you're right next door to the exchange. 4M is about the practical maximum you can reach.
3?: Jetstart plans will not be sold after the end of Sep 04. All existing Jetstart customers will be migrated to other plans at some point in time (2004 migration did not happen).
4?:, all users of JetStream surf plans will be migrated to the new plans announced on 24-Sep-2004 by the end of November 2004. At this point JetStream surf will cease to exist.
6?: Jetstream Home 500/1000 will no longer be sold after the introduction of the new Telecom Plans (announced Sep 2004) although they will still be available to existing users.
7?: These plans are only available through Telecom wholesalers. See
8?: Wholesale Sale Agreement
9?: A $101.75 (res) or $105.50 (bus) churn fee is charged for each customer that changes provider, but not for new signups.
10?: Prices based on >500 new signups a month
|Signups per month|Residential|Business
|0-150|$27.95|vv $40.60
| >500|$25.95
13?: Upload speed was cut down from 192k to 128k around April 2005 to make it same as UBS
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