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Who are the WlugServer sysadmins?

Are they a group of benevolent ServerGnomes? No, they are:

$ getent group sysadmins

Who does what?

This is the list of who set up what - however, in general, anyone should be able to do anything, and lean on the subject matter expert if required.

Committee members who want to change e-mail aliases can contact anyone in the Sysadmins group. They will go edit /etc/aliases on This mostly applies to WLUG officers and administrative roles, not people with shell accounts.

There is no reason for people to leave the WlugSysadmins group after they have left the club or left the country. Through the magic of the Internet they are still able to help out, and their help is appreciated. Also hopefully it will give them incentive to keep paying their dues (if they're reminded!).

Ideas that are out there

  • Formalize this group and have a process for new admins to join, and an exit strategy if people don’t want to be involved anymore. (Please turn in your swipe card!)
  • Install a ticket system or setup a sysadmins mailing list, pick your poison.

History of the WlugSysadmins

Perry has always been the UberAdmin. Generally building of the system happened at DaHoose. Craig set up the mail, Daniel handled LDAP, John, Perry and Matt, the wiki (and Matt, Planet WLUG). John wrote the user admin scripts and WlugLibrary. Jamie was our hardware/networking point guy. As of Feb 2009, Daniel did the most recent physical maintenance since he lived in Auckland, but there are countless people who have helped out with the machine/s over time, and no discussion would be complete without a special thank you to Sahil Gupta and his amazing falling-on-Ctrl-Alt-Del keyboard.

See also

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