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Describe CommitteeMeetingTopics.2009-05-04 here.


May Meeting Presentation Not to early to start thinking about Software Freedom Day Cooperating with NZCS

Previous minutes:


  1. Previous Minutes
  2. Treasurers report
  3. Correspondence
  4. General business
  • May Meeting Presentation (On Blade server)
  • Not to early to start thinking about Software Freedom Day
  • Cooperating with NZCS

    1. Server Status

Server management is a bit of a mess. Blade with new hard drive was installed months ago, thought it was all done, turns out there's no network connection and nobody thought to tell the committee so we could get this sorted out.

    1. Upcoming Presentations
    2. Lightwire
    3. O'Reilly Books

Motion to donate $20 to Methodist centre JamesPluck:BryceUtting

Did anyone tell Methodist Centre? Receptionist mentioned we hadn't picked up our deposit, I told her we'd decided to make it a donation. This probably should have been in writing though.

  1. WlugSurvey recommendation

    1. SoftwareFreedomDay and WLUG Business Directory?

Send out a letter to all Waikato IT businesses. If they support or use Linux or FLOSS, we'd like them to create a wiki page and link to it (I see we already have CategoryCompany, perhaps we could have a more detailed and categorised CommercialSupport? page or something? Specifically an easy place to find commercial support for FLOSS in the Waikato. And also invite them to make a booking for SFD. We should charge for tables to help cover other costs? How do Trade Shows normally work this?

Actual Minutes

WLUG Committee Meeting 4th May 2009

Last Month Minutes

Last months minutes moved bruce,john passed

Treasurer Report

Balance $1028


  1. Mail box not checked recently
  2. change PO Box membership form on secure ChrisOhalloran

General Business

Review last meeting

video audio quality ok'ish otherwise good presentation Metacafe preferred

General discussion

Software freedom day - Saturday 19 September 2009

Sally Jo - moral support

Suggestion of performance centre BryceUtting

University Open Day - this Friday 9th John Billings

Suitable venue - BryceUtting BruceKingsbury

Library display. Printing support. RimuHosting sponsorship for printing

Dateless poster might be better for future proofing effort

Possible keynote speaker

  1. Nandor Tanzcos
  2. Alan Cox
  3. Richard Stallman
  4. Linus Torvalds

Software freedom wiki page for ideas- make a wiki page

Library display two week prior to 19/09/2009

Rod suggests we need quite a few in Windows machines for demonstration

Consider requests for donated machines.

Cooperating with New Zealand Computer Society

600 active members

They have funds available to adverstise WLUG events to their members. Three weeks prior

Their membership is $95/year

Methodist Centre

$20 donation sorted


Cheapest account $20 for 90 days, three months. JohnBilling? to talk JamieCurtis output getting.

O'Reilly Books

List of reviews

  1. Python LizQuilty
  2. Ubuntu for non geeks JamesPluck

Create a list on the Wiki off books to reveiw JamesPluck

Adding books to library

Upcoming meetings

  1. May - Servers, club members present.
  2. June - Vic Oliver Reprap
  3. July - topic?

Server Status

  1. Daniel and the server Gnomes (James Doherty) are switching plugs over on Wlug Server. LizQuilty
  2. WlugServer looking at backups LizQuilty
  3. shell account added consideration of Liz Quilty gaining admin rights.
  4. JohnMcPherson has backup at present.
  5. BryceUtting raised question about uploading attachments

May presentation

learning experience of server. JohnBilling? facilitator ChrisOhalloran SSH Keys BruceKingsbury Koro

Next committee meeting June 2nd Tuesday 2009. 301 Peachgrove Bruce's Place cnr Marshall.

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