Bruce's place (301 Peachgrove Rd, Hamilton)
Last meeting: CommitteeMeetingTopics.2009-05-04
JohnBillings LizQuilty RodAldrige? BruceKingsbury ChrisOhalloran
Bruce/Liz last meeting minutes approved carried
Treasurer Report Present Funds $1091.30 as 20090436
Saturday Workshop donation $38 last three months
Rerap Presentation scheduled for 20090629 Vik
Venue Wintec near the Warehouse
MartinKealey? possible speaker on lots of topics.
IRLP connect amateur radio together using VOIP. BruceKingsbury
Asterix LizQuilty
MythTV Paul Hauppage Card July
PGP NickCavanagh?
Software Freedom Day Brian Farrell
Wintec DavidHallet? JohnBilling? Need to resolve venue
JohnBillings reports eDay will be the week prior to Software Freedom Day.
This could be a good opportunity for advertising software freedom day.
Keynote speaker:
Velocity Network David Hallet option for keynote address.
Corporate Tables $20/ Trust waikato for sponsorship ChrisOhalloran JohnBillings to look at application. T Shirt website
This workshop this weekend.
Try to get sponsorship.
Penguin Suit wearer
Letters to local business BruceKingsbury
List of Linux Contractors
Next Meeting: CommitteeMeetingTopics.2009-06-29
No page links to CommitteeMeetingTopics.2009-06-02.