The following are the rules of Waikato Linux Users Group Incorporated:
The name of this society is the Waikato Linux Users Group Incorporated.
The society is being established with following purpose and aims in mind
In order to join the society one must pay the yearly subscription fee to the society. Said fee is determined by the committee of the society and can be changed as the needs of the society changes. Membership is not required: the meetings are open to all and casual requests for assistance or information are allowed. Non-members will not have access to the areas outlined in Rule 2a: above.
A member can choose to leave the society at any time, without refund of their fees. Non-payment of subscription fees will result in termination of membership and all associated benefits.
A member can be expelled from the society at the decision of the committee, for reasons including but not limited to:
"Serious misconduct" is held at the discretion of the committee of the society, and any greivances should be brought before the committee.
The rules of the society may be altered, added to or rescinded at an AGM or, in special circumstances, at a special meeting held for the purpose. Such meetings must be announced ahead of time and are open to all members of the society. Only members of the society can vote.
In either case, a vote by show of hands is taken on each modification to the rules, with a two-thirds majority indicating the successful modification to the rules.
The president of the club (or acting president if the president is unable to be present) has a casting vote
Annual General Meetings shall be announced on the society electronic mailing list a month before they occur, and at the previous months meeting. A reminder shall be posted to the mailing list at suitable intervals prior to the event, such as two weeks, one week, two days, one day, etc.
Annual General Meetings will cover topics including but not limited to:
Any decisions to be made will be made by vote by show of hands, with a simple majority indicating a success.
The president of the club (or acting president if the president is unable to be present) has a casting vote.
Note that this clause does not preclude the guidelines in Rule 5 for changing the rules or charter of the society: decisions which change the rules or charter of the society still require a two-thirds majority
Regular meetings are to be held initially at a monthly interval, upon the 4th Monday of the month. Announcement of meetings and the topic of the meeting will be made on the society mailing list at suitable intervals prior to the event, such as one week, two days, one day etc.
Regular meetings shall conduct of such content as is discussed by the society, including but not limited to:
Members and non-members alike can give or organise presentations or discussions.
The committee will also hold a brief meeting at the Regular meeting, as part of its activities in governing the society
Special meetings are given notice to the society mailing list as is suitable to the nature of the meeting. The meeting may not require the general attendance of the society, in the case of most disciplinary meetings, or may require full attendance in the case of a change to the charter or rules of the society.
The purposes of a special meeting is to conduct any urgent society business, including but not limited to:
The society will continue in its activities outside of organised meetings, in that its primary form of communication is via an electronic mailing list. This electronic mailing list (referred to as 'electronic mailing list' or 'mailing list' elsewhere in this document) is intended to be used for discussion including but not limited to:
An "acceptable use" policy is maintained by the committee of the society, and decisions on what are acceptable topics for the mailing list are made by the committee. The List Adminstrator of the society is responsible for enforcing these decisions.
The officers of the society shall consist of a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer. The committee of the society shall include the above named officers, as well as FOUR extra members. As the primary means of communication and activity within the society is the electronic mailing list, and some administration of this list is required, a position of list administrator is also required.
The officers and committee members shall be elected at an AGM or at a special meeting called for this purpose.
Temporary replacements can be appointed at the discretion of the committee.
The standard term of appointment is one year, or until the next AGM, whichever is shorter. If a temporary position is appointed it will arise for reappointment with the other positions at the next AGM.
The common seal of the society shall be held with the secretary.
The seal can be used to verify documents on behalf of the society, either by the committee or officers of the committee at an AGM or special meeting, or by the president of the society if s/he deems it appropriate.
The funds of the society shall be held under the control of the officers of the committee. The treasurer and secretary shall have joint requried signing rights, and operate the bank accounts, handle investments, and make payments as needed.
Surplus funds, which are defined as being funds well in excess of the typical operating expenses of the society at the appropriate point in time can be invested, however no provision is made within the charter for this at the time of inception and should such a change be required it must be motioned at an AGM or at a special meeting called for this purpose.
If the society ever needs to borrow money, the matter should be raised at an AGM for resolution. The purpose of the loan should be checked to ensure it lies within the objectives of the society.
In the event of the liquidation of the society, a trustee will be appointed to hold any non-liquid assets of the society, including but not limited to the contents of a society library. These assets should be held in trust for use by any member of the public under similar rules to how they were governed within the society. If a suitable trustee is not found, then the appointment will go to a geographically close society or club of similar interests (for example, the Auckland Linux Users Group) Liquid assets shall be split equally amongst remaining society members.
1? Open Source Software is defined by the Open Source Initiative at; a copy of this definition is included with this charter. Free Software is defined by the Free Software Foundation at; a copy of this definition is included with this charter. Software covered by either of these concepts are generally distributed with licenses such as as the GNU General Public License (GPL) (, the BSD License ( or the Mozilla Public License ( This list is not exhaustive nor is it intended to define bounds on the defenition of Free or Open Source software; this footnote is merely here as a reference for the reader.
Some notes about forming an IncorporatedSociety can be found in IncorporatedSocietiesNotes
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