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Many things in life can be easily summed up by asking yourself three simple questions. These are known as the Who, Why and What

Who is he

GerwinVanDeSteeg, the guy slowly going mad in the corner. (Altho some might claim you can't go something you already are)

Graduated from WaikatoUniversity with a degree in ComputerTechnology and gone on to greener pastures.

Occasionally writes useless and usefull programs that do Stuff. Language preferences at the moment are Perl, PHP, C/C++, or if he can get away with it, a simple bash(1) script.

Why is he here

I think it was just plain good luck on my part that my parents Immigrated here and that I got to tag along, or the massive amount of incredibly bad luck accumulated in the Waikato by it's residents.

What's for lunch

Well.. Anything goes really


  • x86 AssemblyLanguage is a good hobby for anyone.
  • Can usually be found somewhere on IRC, on one of UnderNet's servers, going by the name TIK_.

Pet Hates

  • People who cannot spell properly, form grammatically correct sentences, or use some form of l33t sp34k. Using excessive punctuation is perfectly acceptable however.
  • People who do not use apropriate white space to make code easy to read instead of stringing things together, the exception to this is any obfuscated program or Perl program.

Likes and Hobbies

  • SCUBADiving and instruction of said sport.
  • Teaching guff
  • RolePlayingGames?, any kind really

Todo list thingamy

  • Actually move to Hamilton
  • Get a decent internet connection, 2400 baud just doesn't quite do anymore these days. Although it is enough for IRC1?.
  • Write some sort of usefull program one of these days
  • Some interesting scripting language for game data
  • Find free time
  • Get organised
  • An operating system
  • A decent usefull linux distro2?.

Current Projects

1? Oh allright, I'm on dialup 56k now.. 2? I know i'm dreaming on these last 6.
