
7:30 pm, Mon 17th December. Compiled by Simon, as Chris was late.

Venue: LindsayDruett's place (3 John-Webb Drive)

Meeting opened: 7:45pm

Present: BruceKingsbury, RodAldridge, LindsayDruett, SimonGreen, JamesPluck, ChrisOhalloran

Apologies: JohnBillings

Previous Minutes moved by LindsayDruett, seconded by SimonGreen

Treasurers report

Payments $150 for tux suit, and $40 for incidentals. Balance $1232.29, however a $50 cheque had not yet been presented at the bank. Therefore balance is really $1182.29. Petty cash is $25.87. It was noted we haven't received Google AdSense? money for a wee while.


One membership form received


  • Tony McGregor? has agreed to sponsor the printing of (A3 sized) posters for WLUG to be displayed at Waikato University and Wintec during O week. We will also distribute posters to computer shops and other places as part of a membership drive next year. Chris has agreed to design the posters.
  • It was agreed that coffee should be purchased at Trade Aid. James noted that we haven't purchased coffee yet (since he became treasurer, so the increased cost won't be too great.
  • The new blade server from CantDHB has arrived. Simon to draft thank you letter to them. Blade is currently sitting on Lindsay's desk :-)
  • WLUG is now listed with eventfinder and whatsonhamilton. Bruce will update these sites as needed
  • WLUG's informal legal advise is there should be no problems with putting a red, yellow and black scarf around TUX, as we are a non-profit Waikato based organization
  • We need to book the library for SFD / Installfest well in advance (part of September 2008). We will plan the design a couple of months in advance, so it can be finalized for the committee meeting in August.
  • Simon will order SSL certificate from (US$20 for one year) in the first week of March (certificate expires March 9th). James will e-mail Daniel off list to get him to e-mail a receipt to organize reimbursement of the certificate
  • Lindsay will organize the BBQ at his place. James will help as he hosted it last year.. Suggested start time is 3pm. It is expected to wind up around 7pm-8pm.

Meeting closed at 8:41pm

Next meeting: February 18th and James's place
