7:30 pm, Mon 19th November. Compiled by Simon, as Chris was absent.
Venue: LindsayDruett's place (3 John-Webb Drive)
Meeting opened: 7:40pm
BruceKingsbury, RodAldridge, LindsayDruett, SimonGreen, JohnBillings,
Apologies: ChrisOhalloran
Previous Minutes moved by
BruceKingsbury seconded by LindsayDruett
Presidents report
No booking for university room. Lindsay will organise this this week
Treasurers report
Balance $1320, however a $150 cheque for travel to NZOSS had not yet been presented at the bank. Therefore balance is really $1190.29. Petty cash is $24.07. Major spending in the past month include NZOSS trip and accommodation, Installfest related costs and a container for installfest gear.
None received at P O Box. Secretary was absent from meeting.
Matters arising
- Donation of blade server from Canterbury DHB. James is looking at shipping options. Lindsay going to seek co-location of the server
- Librarian report (James): Has placed orders with both Peachpit and O'Reilly
Server status
- Couple of minor outages
- Perl is unstable (used for the library part)
- Will update OS with the new blades
Upcoming meetings
- November meeting with be on graphics (e.g. compiz). Bruce will present, as Chris is not available.
- No December meeting
- The committee decided to have the annual BBQ in January, as December is busy for everyone. As the last weekend is Auckland anniversary weekend, it was decided to have it on Sunday January 19th. Lindsay has offered his place as a venue
Possible presenters for 2008. The following people have been mentioned as possible presenters in 2008
- Pia Waugh - president of Linux Australia, present of SFD
- Peter Macaulay - president of Internet NZ
- Peter Harrison - Former president of NZOSS / winner NZOSS award
- Mark Williams - Linksys / Cisco
- Lynne Pope - ran the Katrina website / runner up in NZOSS award
- Members of Parliment - Nandor Tanczos (Green Party), National, Labour?
- We also discussed theming the Saturday workshops in 2008. Possible topics include
- Firewall / Wireless settings
- MythTV
- Installfest (September / October)
Venue of next meeting:
JamesPluck's place (31 Aberfoyle Street)
Meeting closed: 9:15pm