JamesPluck's place (31 Aberfoyle Street)
- Present:
BruceKingsbury, RodAldridge, JohnBillings,
- Apologies: LindsayDruett, ChrisOHalloran
- Absent: SimonGreen
Previous Minutes
- Adjudged Correct. Moved Rod, Seconded John
Treasurers report
- Petty Cash $45.87
- 1 new subscription
- None received in period
- renewing JohnBillings to action ASAP
- had Daniel been paid for past certificate? Daniel has not been reimbursed. Awaiting copy of invoice/receipt from Daniel and then he will be reimbursed ASAP.
JamesPluck to liaise with Daniel.
Server status
- setting up new server:
BruceKingsbury and JohnBillings to discuss with LindsayDruett and SimonGreen about requirements for the various blades and develop and document build scripts for all appropriate servers.
General business
- koha for TWP: $50 cheque given to TeWhanauPutahi as Koha for usage of TWP premises for Saturday Workshops.
- Coffee & snacks for SaturdayWorkshop: $10 budget per workshop for RodAldridge to administer to purchase coffee, tea, milk, etc to be documented through receipts and reimbursement from Petty Cash.
Data Projector
- Insurance:
JamesPluck to investigate insurance for the projector.
- Loan of Projector: Projector may be borrowed at a running cost of $5 per hour. A committee member must be present at all times while projector is on loan.
- Hire to HamiltonPCClub: HamiltonPCClub have requested to loan the WLUG projector for their club meetings. Because
BruceKingsbury and/or RodAldridge are present at HamiltonPCClub meeting WLUG will loan them the projector at a special rate of $10 per meeting with the proviso that Bruce and/or Rod are present.
- Membership Drive - O-Week:
BruceKingsbury and RodAldridge will be running a stall at O-Week at UniversityOfWaikato to promote interest in WLUG and sign up any new members.