
Venue: JamesPluck's place (31 Aberfoyle Street)

  1. Present: BruceKingsbury, RodAldridge, JohnBillings, JamesPluck
  2. Apologies: LindsayDruett, ChrisOHalloran
  3. Absent: SimonGreen
  4. Previous Minutes

    1. Adjudged Correct. Moved Rod, Seconded John
  5. Treasurers report

    1. Petty Cash $45.87
    2. 1 new subscription
  6. Correspondence

    1. None received in period
  7. Matters

    1. renewing JohnBillings to action ASAP
    2. had Daniel been paid for past certificate? Daniel has not been reimbursed. Awaiting copy of invoice/receipt from Daniel and then he will be reimbursed ASAP. JamesPluck to liaise with Daniel.
  8. Server status

    1. setting up new server: BruceKingsbury and JohnBillings to discuss with LindsayDruett and SimonGreen about requirements for the various blades and develop and document build scripts for all appropriate servers.
  9. General business

    1. koha for TWP: $50 cheque given to TeWhanauPutahi as Koha for usage of TWP premises for Saturday Workshops.
    2. Coffee & snacks for SaturdayWorkshop: $10 budget per workshop for RodAldridge to administer to purchase coffee, tea, milk, etc to be documented through receipts and reimbursement from Petty Cash.
    3. Data Projector

      1. Insurance: JamesPluck to investigate insurance for the projector.
      2. Loan of Projector: Projector may be borrowed at a running cost of $5 per hour. A committee member must be present at all times while projector is on loan.
      3. Hire to HamiltonPCClub: HamiltonPCClub have requested to loan the WLUG projector for their club meetings. Because BruceKingsbury and/or RodAldridge are present at HamiltonPCClub meeting WLUG will loan them the projector at a special rate of $10 per meeting with the proviso that Bruce and/or Rod are present.
    4. Membership

      1. Membership Drive - O-Week: BruceKingsbury and RodAldridge will be running a stall at O-Week at UniversityOfWaikato to promote interest in WLUG and sign up any new members.

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