Meeting opened 7:35
Present: IanMcDonald, BruceKingsbury, RodAldridge, LindsayDruett, SimonGreen,
JamesPluck, ChrisOhalloran
Previous Minutes approved: Ian / James
Server confirmed to be running well, with no smart errors on any drive.
We've been offered another blade chassis and several blades, which should cost approx. $200 to ship. Some discussion about why we would need two blade servers, or if we even need the one we have given that the load on all existing blades is near-zero. However the WLUG wiki is a significant resource which needs a highly reliable server, and we would like to move the server from Auckland to Hamilton at some point. Having a second blade server gives us a nice way of shifting with zero downtime. Unanimous agreement that we should accept this gift. James will confirm shipping cost and arrange with Criggie to have it sent up.
Alex Hope (Partner at Till Henderson King) offered to look into the wording of our Constitution pro-bono. He will be at the AGM.
Accounts will be presented at AGM, and a vote taken to accept them. We do not need to have them audited, unless there's a vote at the AGM for it.
The CommitteeHandover page details what needs to be done after the AGM.
Future meetings:
Bruce has created Tux-with-black-yellow-red-scarf logo. Will there be any trademark issues wrt WRU's use of the colours? Perhaps ask a lawyer?
Gateway venue will cost $150 for full day. This includes one very large room, a smaller conference room, power, high-speed internet, tables, chairs, and use of kitchen. - Approved U.
Advertising - Circulars, Free papers, HCC websites. Ian to provide wording, Bruce to arrange getting it into print.
Meeting closed 9:00
Next committee meeting not discussed.
One page links to CommitteeMeetingTopics.2007-09-17: