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System Administrators wot that administrate systems.

I have no idea what they do, but WLUG certainly has a lot of them.

If you are system administrator, and know what you do, AddToMe.

Manage networks, firewalling etc. Keeping machines running (clearing out disk space, watching logs) etc. Organising backups etc, writing scripts to automate things, installing and configuring programs.

SysAdmin'ing gets fun when you are trying to manage 10s, hundreds or thousands of machines. You don't have time to organise doing something to each machine, so you have to organise ways of treating all the machines as if they are identical (but murphy says they're not...). Lotsa fun.

Even managing 10 machines gets complicated fast, the art of sysadmin'ing is being able manage all this.

A lot of lug'ers are interested in doing things like automated ways of handling mail for potentially thousands of users in a scalable way, handling DNS, or organising large networks.

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