If you have any ideas or random thoughts about anything relating to what we could or should do regarding the WlugServer, please feel free to note them here.
Migrate to MediaWiki:
- Pros:
- Neat extensions
- Popular and actively maintained
- Cons:
- Crazy insane work to migrate probably
- MediaWiki markup blows chunks (love the rational, well thought out criticism there. I prefer it to this wiki's markup, and preferences aside, more people use it)
- Install RoundCube
- Use alternate SSH port?
- Ticket system to track wishlist/bugs
- Designate user support contact every year? SysAdmin role
- Check if bot traffic is controlled properly
- Set up backup server, testing/DevEnvironment (John is working on)
- Configure slave zoning for WLUG members?
- Abandon mail services altogether (except for committee members/grandfathered in people)