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SamJansen. Me. I attend to WaikatoUniversity. I used to run DebianLinux on my home computer (along with MicrosoftWindows at times), but I am now a GentooLinux? convert. I do all my programming in Vim; I am a programmer by trade. Programming languages I use, in order of how much I use them include:

Note that the above list says little about preference. For example, IHateJava. C++ is generally my language of choice, but I am also a big Python fan.

I spend my time working on my PhD project in the WandGroup working with FreeBSD. These days I'm the TCP expert of the WandGroup. I added the FreeBSD network stack in the NS-2 network simulator as part of my honours project, and I am now continuing this research in my PhD. Information about this project can be found at

See BungGameEngine for something I've spend quite a bit of my spare coding time on.

Some C/C++ links of note:

Is mentioned in the long distro wikiword SomePeopleChangeTheirDistributionsAsOftenAsOthersChangeTheirUnderpants :)

Deserves kudos for being the only non-GianPerrone to mention PASL on a Wiki page.

"In my opinion, Richard Stallman wouldn't recognise terrorism if it came up and bit him on his Internet." -- Ross M. Greenberg

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