Acronym for InternetProtocol version 6.
Sometimes called IPng.
IPv6 has more addresses and funky new features such as different address scopes (LinkLocal,SiteLocal,GlobalScope), AnyCast, and MultiCast (and no more BroadCast), unfortunately no one supports it yet. One day....
If you use IPv6 to connect to this wiki, you will get a DancingPenguin? instead of the normal WLUG logo in the top right corner.
IPv6 is the next version from IPv4.
See IPv6Addressing
Does anyone know if any NewZealand ISPs have support for ipv6 (from customer's point of view)?
See our IPv6LessonsLearnt for some general hints about random things we've learnt while playing with IPv6
Some of the mysterious IPv6Flags
For information about stting up IPv6 on the MetaNet MetaNetIPv6
For information about AAAA? and A6? DNS records, see AAAAvsA6
45 pages link to IPv6:
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