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Stuart Yeates contributes to wikis as part of his work for OSSWatch, releasing his contributions (which are actually copyright his employer) under the various creative commons licences, in this case the WlugWikiLicense.

Stuart Yeates: a PhD student at the WaikatoUniversity.

Nick: snail on #wlug and a WikiGnome.

Maintainer of Google's #1 for Stuart Yeates and for Text Mining


I have just started a job at OxfordUniversity, doing digital library / portal stuff and working for OSSWatch. My email at ComputerScience WaikatoUniversity should remain active. My email on the WLUG server is syeates. I won't give the full email addresses since I already get enough Spam, but you should be able to work it out.

I have submitted my PhD and am waiting for it to be marked so I can return for my oral.

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