Meeting opened 7.40pm
Quorum Acheived 10 2011 paid members
ChrisOhalloran moved that the minutes from the past AGM be approved. BruceKingsbury seconded
ChrisOhalloran gave a verbal report outlining the clubs activities of the preceding year. This included but not limited to:
Thanks to the former committee members and farewell to JohnBillings and SamLin?.
The advent of the social networking additional to the server following PeterReutemann talk
Thanks also to PeterReutemann and EwenCummings? for acustomising the elgg interface.
The year started with a Debian Squeeze party and pizza
LindsayDruett did a talk on IPV6
TomButz? talked on Crux Linux and it was interesting to see a PalmOS (or Psion) emulation.
PeterReutemann talked about the Sheeva plug computer
MichaelDoerner of Technology Wise spoke on the SME Server project
GregBalle? talked about BitCoin, how is works and showed off his mining rig.
JohnBillings talked about virtualisation
Later in year
ChrisOhalloran moved to have the President's report accepted. RodAldridge seconded. Carried Unanimous
ChrisOhalloran presented the following
The present account is $577.14
Rimuhosting provided a generous donation of $250 as part of SoftwareFreedomDay
At the meeting it became apparent that not all the costs incurred were fully accounted for, in part to the early departure of JohnBillings from the committee. However, nothing appeared to be exception.
RodAldridge moved to have the Treasurer's report accepted provisionally on the basis that it would be updated. BruceKingsbury seconded. Carried Unanimous
(Don't forget to do CommitteeHandover this year)
ChrisOhalloran moved. TonyButz? seconded. Carried unanimous
Secretary ReneBartosh
ChrisOhalloran moved RodAldridge seconeded Carried unanimous
Vice President
BruceKingsbury moved
RonnieCollinson seconded Carried unanimous
IanStewart moved RonnieCollinson seconded Carried unanimous
Committee 1 ChrisOhalloran
RodAldridge moved IanStewart seconded Carried unanimous
Committee 2 RodAldridge
Carried unanimous
Committee 3 IanStewart
Carried unanimous
Discussed LifeMembership?
Proprose SGM for life membership since it wasn't on the AGM Agenda
Discussed membership fees and decided no change was required
Discussed being redirected to but decided not to.
Discussions around formats Monday evening versus Saturday morning.
Committee would meet the week after the Monday evening meetings
Meeting Closed 9pm
Followed by drinks and chat.
2 pages link to MeetingTopics.2012-03-12: