
KimShepherd works in SAD (Systems & Development), at the ITS department of WaikatoUniversity.

He was at one point the moderator of the WLUG MailingList. (Oh yeah, he's also a MALE).

Hails from Whangarei originally (well, since about age 7 or 8).

Interests include: OSS development, OO programming languages, WirelessNetworking, database design.

KimShepherd got home-home-sick after departing the University in 2004, and is back working down the same corridor, on a contract for the Library Consortium of New Zealand, doing research repository dev/admin work. (see:

His homepages are almost dead, so he won't bother mentioning them here.

Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike LicenseKimShepherd has agreed to the terms of the WlugWikiLicense.


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