Held at 3 John Webb Drive (7.50pm - 9.20pm)
Not Present:JohnBillings
The previous minutes were inspected and agreed as correct
Motion: To approve the minutes as of the 16/06/2008
Moved JamesPluck; seconded:LindsayDruett . Carried
Discussion surrounding a card board box for mail at Department of Computer Science at Waikato University Will talk with Sally Jo Cunningham --
Discussion around poster presentation at the library. Size requiremed is smaller than previous understanding. JamesPluck suggested Viscom may have suitable printing facilities.
BryceUtting suggested a series of A3 screen dumps on posters around the room would show the different free and open source applications
Discussions surrounding proposed CD distribution
Intend to burn our own CD "OpenDisc" and give away as promotional material. BryceUtting suggested CD labeling and
JamesPluck mentioned he might have access to a CD printer.
Courtney Druett is now the Linux Penguin Mascot wearing. The commitee extends its thanks to Cairo for her years of service.
JamesPluck has an extract from Hoiho of all currently known members and whether they have current or expired subscriptions.
JamesPluck will talk with Perry about access to the database to prepare a reminder email to encourage present list members to become financial members. The understanding is the email will allow unpaid members to catch up their membership and allow voting at the next AGM
Update: Still need to progress membership list. Will talk with Perry regarding getting the membership is a useable data format.
Still to get the new disk into service. Some discussions about future hosting arrangements and whether a formal account with Orcon may be the best long term arrangement.
Next meeting http://www.wlug.org.nz/CommitteeMeetingTopics.2008-08-18
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