Venue: LindsayDruett's place (3 John Webb Drive) 7:45pm
- Present:
BruceKingsbury, RodAldridge,
JamesPluck, LindsayDruett, ChrisOHalloran, CairoKingsbury
- Apologies: JohnBillings
- Absent: SimonGreen
Previous Minutes
- Adjudged Correct. Moved Bruce Seconded James
Treasurers report
- Petty Cash $??.??
- Invoice received from
DanielLawson for last years SSL certificate.
JamesPluck to arrange payment.
- Renewing John Billings has arranged sponsorship for both the secure web AND the secure mail certficates for the next two years.
- 3 new subscription received from the O-week membership promotion
General business
Data Projector
- Insurance:
JamesPluck investigated insurance for the projector.
JamesPluck advised that insurance wasn't not cheap if the club wished to hire out the projector. It was agreed that the projector could only be used in the presence of committee members and that hire to outside groups and organisation would need the committee's approval. This approval could be arranged via email. Moved James, Seconded Bruce.
- 3 new signed members from O-week, 100 leaflets given out and 5-6 membership forms handed out.
Server status
- Setting up new server: LindsayDruett and
JamesPluck will conduct a risk assessment and look at configuration options for a WLUG server to be located in Hamilton. Lindsay strongly emphasised the requirement for a change control process to be in place for ongoing server management. Concern was also expressed that no present committee members have administration access to the WLUG server.
Embroided T Shirts
BruceKingsbury agreed to investigate embroided promotional T shirts. A sewing machine file already exists for this purpose.
SimonGreen resignation
- Simon tenders his resignation to Bruce via email on the 5th March. Bruce accepted his resignation. Simon has accepted a position in Brisbane.
- A special general meeting will be announced at the next club meeting and forecast for the April 2008 meeting to nominate a successor to Simon.
SSL Certificates
- ChrisOhalloran to contact JohnBillings to arrange a thank you letter
Club PO Box Number
- In the interests of continuity, it was agreed that the club should investigate a PO Box number for correspondence.
JamesPluck has agreed to make the arrangements and it was agreed that the Hamilton East shops may provide a suitable long term arrangement. At this stage the annual cost is estimated at $80. Moved Lindsay, Seconded Bruce.
Wintec/Te Wananga Promotions
- In the interests of promoting the club activities,
BruceKingsbury has agreed to approach the Chairperson of the Computer Science department, TonyMcGregor at WaikatoUniversity about placing promotional posters at the campus. Similary,
JamesPluck has agreed to approach a Te Wananga contact.
CDHB Thank you letter.
- Chris and Bruce both presented thankyou letters to CDHB for the donation of a WLUG server. ChrisOhalloran is to investigate and finalise delivery details with CraigFalconer as the CDHB has many PO Box options. In essence, Chris' letter was accepted to delivery.
Upcoming Meetings
- March: Bruce has volunteered to do a presentation on the upcoming features of Hardy for the March Meeting
- April: SGM
- May: Lindsay intends to arrange Roger deSalis of FxNetworks to present their continuing progress.
Meeting closed 9:33pm. Next meeting venue nominated to be at
JamesPluck place.