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Unix's sheer power is revealed through the Command Line.

The command line is powerful

Most people think of the CommandLine as a pain. Certainly under MicrosoftCorporation's OperatingSystem's its very limited and not very useful. However to a seasoned Unix user, you can very quickly do almost anything. ThinkGeek has a T-Shirt that says "Go away or I'll replace you with a very small shell script". This is a play on the fact that you can do anything at the command line, including emulating irritating users. The Unix command line has hundreds of programs, and hundreds of ways of stringing them together. cat(1), grep(1), cut(1), awk(1), sed(1), find(1), wc(1), sort(1), uniq(1), test(1), ls(1), cd(1)?, ps(1), kill(1) are basically all the major commands that users use, and yet that is enough to write pretty much any program.

Almost every program has at least one CommandLine counter part (eg: mozilla has wget(1), curl(1), lynx(1), links(1), w3c(1)....)

The command line is arcane

Well, yes, to people that aren't used to it I guess it is. Thats what we are trying to help solve in this wiki by making information that you need readily available.

See also CLI.