
Client-side filtering

In order to get Evolution to do this correctly, you may need to check the Apply filters to new messages in Inbox on this server option, which lives in Tools / Settings / Edit Account / Receiving Options.

Sending mail from the CommandLine

Evolution 1.4 (and maybe some earlier versions) lets you create new Email by saying something like

evolution mailto:username@localhost

You can also add an attachment or subject -- though it isn't documented anywhere sensible, like in the User Guide, or in the (non-existent) ManPage.

evolution 'mailto:username@localhost?subject=moo&attach=file:///tmp/x.txt'

Better Exchange communication

Brutus is a client-and-server solution that run a MAPI translator on a Windows server, and allows connections from Brutus clients - including an Evolution connector. Its main claim to usefulness is it will work with Exchange 5.5, where the Evolution Exchange connector will not, as that uses WebDAV, which was introduced in Exchange 2000.
