ImageMagick is a collection of tools to mozify images, mostly from the CommandLine. Capabilities include:
convert -sample width x height input.jpg output.jpg
The widths/heights can also take % values. It scales proportionally, so going 25%x25% on a non-square image will still make it come out non-square
convert files +append output.jpg
The +append appears to join them together left to right. -append possibly does something else. Haven't really looked into it.
Situation: You have a bunch of digital photos that you want to string next to each other for a website banner
1. Resize them all to 400px high (Just for ease of doing stuff later)
for img in *.jpg do
convert -sample x400 "$img" "$img"
2. Join them together
convert *.jpg +append output.jpg
This will of course join them in alphabetical order. You may want to do something about that.
3. Final resize/add gradients in TheGIMP
One page links to ImageMagick: