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See: PhpWiki:CarstenKlapp

Looking for a unix-based free-space wiper and/or a drefag utilty which might compile (probably with some kind of tweaking) under OS X.

(BTW I'm so happy whenever I encounter a PhpWiki site using my Mac OS X theme <blush>, thanks)!


The only free unix disk-space wiper I'm aware of is GNU shred, which is really designed for wiping the contents of a file. BSD's rm also has an option to do this, although it is "only" overwriting with 0's and then 1's, which isn't the most secure pattern. The theme's very nice, btw! Isomer aka PerryLorier is responsible for the wiki, which I think has been quite modified from stock-standard. -- JohnMcPherson

More to the point, thank you for writing the theme :) -- PerryLorier

So, I finally found my way here to this Wiki! :) Thanks for your kind appreciation of my work on PhpWiki, and for even creating my own home page here. Really, credit for the Mac OS X theme goes to the designers of Apple's cool "Aqua" Mac OS X GUI.

Also, do check out PhpWiki 1.3.5pre as soon as you can, there are a few bugfixes, and page-caching-speedups courtesy of the PHP-Dude himself, my PhpMentor?: JeffDairiki?!

I think we've hacked up the code to do better caching in the http headers, and we've also got the wiki using utf-8 everywhere (eg BridgesOfKönigsberg). Our wikiNameRexep variable is pretty ugly :p Are the newer versions all utf-8-ized? If not, we've kept track of our changes... -- JohnMcPherson

We have lots of theme stuff (the "GoogleTrick" for instance), and several hacks to avoid nasty web crawlers. Optiomisations on the postgres backend, the "default page" haiku's were also done. Thats all I can remember. If people are interested in taking our changes and merging them back I'd be most appreciated. Looking at merging the newer phpwiki with the current version we run seems to be a huge task and I'm not sure if I could do it without dataloss -- PerryLorier

BTW, I love the signature here :D --CarstenKlapp

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