The term WirelessEthernetBridge generally refers to a device that bridges between a WirelessEthernet segment (802.11) and a WiredEthernet segment (802.3). Generally you will have one RJ45 port and one antenna connection.
Some examples of a WirelessEthernetBridge
See EthernetBridge
Setting Up A Compaq WL200 Wireless Card as a Wireless Access Point
Note: These notes are Debian Specific.
- Download the latest kernel source - I used 2.4.20 at the time of writing.
- Grab all relevant wireless patches to your chosen kernel from
- apt-get install wireless-tools
- Grab hostap from I'm using version 2002-10-12.
- Grab pcmcia-cs from, and uninstall the existing package if it's installed (apt-get remove pcmcia-cs --purge).
- Unpack your kernel, and patch with the wireless extensions patches. Configure it - ensure you DISABLE pcmcia support and ENABLE wireless LAN support and 802.1d ethernet bridging. Make dep bzImage modules modules_install, install the image, and update your boot loader.
- Boot your new kernel - makes life easier! :)
- Unpack pcmcia-cs and hostap. Change into the hostap source directory, and copy drivers/* into /path/to/pcmcia-cs-x.x.x
- Change into your pcmcia-cs directory and make config, then make all, then make install.
- Edit /etc/defaults/pcmcia and add PCIC_OPTS='irq_mode=1 fast_pci=1'
- Edit /etc/modutils/aliases and add alias wlan0 hostap_cs, then run update-modules.
- OK, /etc/init.d/pcmcia start should now start your WL200 in AP mode! :) You can modify the startup options in /etc/pcmcia/wireless.opts
- To create a bridge, modify /etc/network/interfaces:
auto br0
iface br0 inet static
bridge_ports wlan0 eth0
up \
/sbin/iwconfig wlan0 essid wlug && \
/sbin/iwconfig wlan0 channel 1 && \
/sbin/iwconfig wlan0 mode Master
Hope this helps someone out there.